Custom Nail Solutions Kit Giveaway

Looking to polish up your summer style? We would love to help you out with that! You can enter to win one of these amazing Custom Nail Solutions Kits and pretty much pamper and pretty your nails in ways you never thought imaginable with one massive self-containing solution.

Winner will receive everything listed below. You cannot go wrong with this one — it has eveything you need and more to sport a really cool look for the summer months — and every season to follow!

Custom Nail Solutions Impression System 

10 finger trays
1 spoon
1 yellow impression material
1 white impression material
1 Instruction sheet
1 Product brochure
1 Order Sheet

Final Kit (will receive after sending in impressions)

1 Set of Custom Nails
1 Bottle Soak Off
1 Soaking Dish
1 Nail Dehydrator
1 Adhesive Debonder
1 Nail Protector
1 Nail Cleanser
1 Nail Brush
4 Pink Cuticle Sticks
1 Nail Stand with 10 Plastic Dowels
1 Application Instruction Sheet
Pink Maintenance Kit Bag

Please fill out the form below and review our contest rules before entering the Giveaway. This is open to all U.S. residents 18 years-old and over. Contest ends July 19, 2013. Winners will be notified via email by July 20, 2013.

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Jenna is an entertainment, lifestyle, and wellness writer and editor. When she isn't writing she is managing and developing multiple websites, studying Chinese, creating a visual novel game for Steam, and traveling whenever possible.