This entertaining story shows the reactions that we all have and what these emotions go through to help us cope with life’s changes. Like in the first edition the story is centered  around a young child dealing with the effects ...

This is one of those stories that delivers a message, one that shows sometimes how ridiculous we can be as people. Life works in mysterious ways, for instance when a publisher promotes a writer, because of their race and makes ...

Disney’s haunted mansion has been around for fifty-three years, since it first opened at California’s Disneyland on August 9th of 1969. This ride has been one of the park’s most famous icons over the years and has spawned two movies ...

  I am sure you are all aware of public television and have probably had a favorite show that you watched over the years on that network. Most of you may be familiar with the famous painting shows that were ...

How do you know you are a die hard fan? Do you wear the same shirt or jersey, sit in the same chair or couch, or do the same motions for every game so your team wins?  Well go even ...

Robin Williams once said, “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” And in the film All Joking Aside, gruff and legendary stand-up comedian Bob (Brian Markinson) shows novice Charlene aka Charlie (Raylene Harewood) how to ...

The greatness we possess in ourselves is that we can reach out to help our fellow man and perform a task as much as we possibly can. Now what if the person you want to assist doesn’t want the help, ...

The Inspiring, moving, poignant true story Dolphin Tale splashes into theaters this weekend with a family friendly theme that’s sure to touch your heart. Filmed in Florida where it happened it’s a movie about a dolphin that receives a compassionate ...