After an apocalyptic war that nearly destroys the world, the lands and people have become hostile. Survival for anyone is very difficult and danger lurks around every corner. The survivors and their leaders now search for wanderers they can turn ...
The wait is over for Ant-Man’s return and in this adventure turns out to be an extension of Captain America Civil War where Scott Lang had suited up to help America’s top crusader. Fans of the hero who can change ...
The force has awaken and the Empire is still on the rise. The universe is in turmoil while the Empire works to destroy what’s left of the Rebel bases. The race is on to continue the fight and return balance ...
Most documentaries are usually biographical, historical, or political taking one into the center of a particular topic. In the case of The Phoenix Incident however, the film uses the genre to entertain while tying in with an actual event. ...
In the film Time Lapse a different kind of Sci-fi time travel takes center stage delivering a cool ride into danger. On target and compelling the filmmakers do more on a modest budget than some large production companies. The ...
The world of dinosaurs continues with this fourth episode of the Jurassic Park franchise. This time however, we get to see a completed theme park that’s teeming with visitors from around the planet. Called Jurassic World the film takes you ...
Intriguing and sinister the film Debug takes you into the sci-fi world in outer space with this well-made terror flick. Although the film does have somewhat of a feel similar to 2001: A Space Odyssey, but truly a movie ...
The kid-friendly Tomorrowland opens this weekend with a cool adventure that should entertain the 7 to 16 year old crowd. Those of all ages who just can’t miss a sci-fi movie may also be included in this group depending on ...