About Us

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]ACED is a network of writers, artists, and creative minds that think fast, short and to the point. We are ADD in action, online. If you want the down and dirty news, reviews, interviews and tid bits on everything from entertainment, products, science, technology, art and more — you have clicked on the right corner of the web.

At ACED, we know most people nowadays have the attention span of a goldfish, and if you’ve ever tried to engage your goldfish in a game of fetch, you know exactly what we mean. That’s why we keep all of our content short and sweet, like a bite of chocolate marshmallow surprise pie, because we know that first bite is a tasty bit of heaven, but if you tried to eat the whole darn pie, you’d probably either vomit or be lulled into an hours-long nap before you finished. Our intention is to ensure our readers do neither while perusing one or even all of our “just enough” articles.

Are you an aspiring online writer? If you can cram the who, what, where, when, why and how into a few short paragraphs our readers will enjoy before they suddenly remember that soon-to-be-viral video of an obese cat juggling a fork, a milk jug ring and a live hummingbird, we’d love to hear from you. Aside from the obvious – your chance at online celebrity thanks to your exceptional creative prowess — you’ll also have the chance to earn DVDs, CDs, books, movie and theatre tickets and other great prizes as compensation. Not to mention the fact that that you’ll have the opportunity to interview up-and-coming superstars in movies, music, entertainment and more.

ACED full-time writers and artists are each given their own customizable profile page, which can be dolled up to include your photo, bio, and original artwork and writing. Plus, choose your own ads if you’d like to earn some extra cheddar on the side and connect to all your social media followers on Facebook and Twitter. For more information, contact ACED Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jenna Bensoussan at jenna@acedmagazine.com.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]