An action adventure with a good story, Season of The Witch makes for some great Entertainment and it’s now on DVD.  I actually liked the film better on DVD than when it ran in theaters because I was able to stop and rewind during some very intense scenes.  If you like a good suspense/horror film then Season of the Witch set in the time of the Crusades should be at the top of your list.


The movie opens with some awesome scenes of the Great Crusades with battles lead by warriors Behmen (Nicholas Cage) and Felson (Ron Perlman) who fight for Christian freedom.  But as the war goes on and the two find themselves slaughtering innocent women and children they decide to desert their battalion.  Months later they pass through a city where they have executed several witches blamed for a plague and are arrested for desertion.  In the meantime one witch has returned from the dead and monks at a far off monastery must read a special passage over her in order to destroy her being. In return for their freedom Behmen and Felson accept the job of taking her to the monastery.


Dominic Sena (Swordfish, Gone in 60 Seconds) does a super job of directing Season of the Witch.  He makes his characters real and exciting, creates an action packed suspense thriller and intermixes some awesome special effects.  I liked the way he develops the character of the witch (played by Claire Foy) making her innocent, then cunning, then monstrous.


The movie features some exceptional performances by Cage and Perlman as the two heroes who have to put their lives on the line to save the plague worn world.  I like Cage and even though he has had a few clunkers, this is surly not one of them.  His fine ability to make his character fierce in battle, sympathetic to the witch, then strong in the face of horror shows admirably here.  In support Perlman puts on an amazing show as Behman’s sidekick fighting with a vengeance while protecting his friend.


The film has some very good special bonus features including 7 deleted scenes (that should have been left in the film), Becoming the Demon (excellent for filmmakers and film buffs who want a partial lesson on CGI) On a Crusade (shows clips from the beginning sequence) and an Alternate Ending (I actually liked both endings).


Season of the Witch is rated PG-13 for thematic elements, violence and disturbing content so you may want to watch the film first before allowing immature children to join you.


FINAL ANALYSIS: This one goes right into my library for future viewing. (B)

Writer, critic, film editor John Delia, Sr. has been on all sides of the movie business from publications to film making. He has worked as a film critic with ACED Magazine for more than 20 years and other publications for a total of 40 years. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Florida. John is a member of the Southeastern Film Critics Association and Critics Association of Central Florida Send John a message at