‘DEFENDING JACOB” A Web of Mystery

Jaeden Martell as Jacob in DEFENDING JACOB from Paramount Home Entertainment

With so many series on TV and many films in recent past about crime and mystery, it’s hard to review anything that’s original without mentioning the past. But, that said the miniseries Defending Jacob really had me intrigued. At first it looks predictable, but as it gets played out we see a few twists and then it starts to point fingers on who the real culprit or culprits are.

In the first of 8 episodes we get introduced to the initial characters and the death of Ben Rifkin. Thrown into the lap of Andy Barber (Chris Evans) the town’s Assistant District Attorney, this particular crime makes him questionable of his way of handling the case. Accusations fly around the town and finding a possible suspect is nearly impossible. But, when Andy gets charged with destroying evidence things start getting out of hand.

Chris Evans as Andy Barber and Cherry Jones as Joanna Klein in DEFENDING JACOB from Paramount Home Entertainment

The series is well acted and very intense at times. Each of the episodes changes the way you see the murder, the suspects, opposing attorneys, attitudes of the town’s people and even minds of the series viewers. Director Morten Tyldum does a very good job of hiding the information that may stymie his story. He lets out very little at a time then runs it up the flag pole for all to see. But, even though you may have thought you knew “whodunnit”, just wait until the next episode before you lock in your answer.

Chris Evans does a terrific job of fleshing out Andy Barber from hour one of the crime series. His character starts out strong and forceful the as the story plays out, he becomes meek and skeptical. His characterization of the district attorney even pushes the envelope several times with a performance that’s very realistic. Playing opposite Evans is Jaden Martell as his son Jacob who becomes one of the suspects. When his schoolmates start spreading rumors, it puts Jacob in a tight spot. Stone faced at times, Martell doesn’t break character even when the chips are all played and he with the weakest hand.

Andy Barber (Chris Evans), Laurie Barber (Michelle Dockery) and Jacob Barber (Jaeden Martell) in DEFENDING JACOB from Paramount Home Entertainment

The series has not been rated by the TV rating bureau, but contains sexual situation some violence, innuendos, language and other suggestive material. Think PG-13. Now on DVD, the series can be viewed a number of times before checking out the last disc.

Specifications and additional video information:
Cast: Chris Evans, Michelle Dockery, Jaeden Martell, J.K. Simmons, Cherry Jones
Directed by: Morten Tyldum
Genre: Crime, Drama
TV Rating: TV-MA, DVD Not Rated, contains sexual situations, some violence, innuendos, and suggestions of rape
Running Time: 6 hrs. 43 min.
Video Release Date: July 6, 2021
Language: English
Reviewed Format: DVD
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
Video: 16×9
Subtitles: English and English SDH
Number of Discs: 3 discs
Distributed by: Paramount Home Entertainment
Released on: DVD. Blu-ray

Writer, critic, film editor John Delia, Sr. has been on all sides of the movie business from publications to film making. He has worked as a film critic with ACED Magazine for more than 20 years and other publications for a total of 40 years. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Florida. John is a member of the Southeastern Film Critics Association and Critics Association of Central Florida Send John a message at jdelia@acedmagazine.com