This horror thriller tops most violent movies with some very realistic scenes that are sometimes punishing to watch. However, it’s just a film and director Kin Nongsun pushes the envelope to show his power to deliver a different storyline to his audience. For horror and extreme adventure fans this film is right up your ally and it’s available on DVD starting February 14th. However, Project Wolf Hunting is no valentine, so you may not want your significant other to view it with you.
The film opens in 2016 with an arrival of 47 dangerous Korean convicts at an airport in Manilla Philippines. They are being deported to their country to stand trial for murder. But things go haywire when a Korean suicide bomber arrives just before takeoff.

A year later we find survivors of the blast being loaded on a cargo ship, slipping them out of the country without notice by press or crowds. Halfway through their trip to Korea however, an error on the part of the bridge gives the murderous group of prisoners a chance to make an attempt at freedom.
What happens next is one of the bloodiest Asian film I have seen in a while. Director Kin Nongsun uses at least a 55 gallon drum of fake blood in this gory sicko. When the real on board battle starts it becomes non-stop adding some surprises, including an Alpha, along the way that you won’t see coming. And, the fire power of some very deadly automatic guns are a big part of the killing.

Project Wolf Hunting has been rated R by the MPAA for strong brutal bloody violence throughout, and language. It also contains a lot of gut wrenching slice and dice. The film has been released with the original Korean soundtrack, but can be changed to English with very good dubbing.
Bonus Features:
“The Making of Project Wolf Hunting”
“Making the Alpha”
“Original Trailer

If you are a fan of the target genre, then this film has more than you can wish to see. Be cautious when playing the film at home if youngsters are present as it really is brutal and mind bending crazy. I purposely left the trailer off the article due to its bloody brutality.
Specifications and additional video information:
Cast: SEO In-guk, Jang Dong-uoon, PARK Ho-san, JUNG So-min, GO Chand-seok and more
Directed and wrritten by: Kim Hongsun
Genre: Horror, Crime, Terror
MPAA Rating: R for strong brutal bloody violence throughout, and language
Running Time: 2 hrs.
Video Release Date: February 14, 2023
Language: Korean with optional English Dubbing
Reviewed Format: DVD
Subtitles: English
Released on: DVD, VOD Platforms