If you are a fan of war films or even someone who would like to know some of the history behind the war efforts, the recent released The Bloody Hundredth should be on your list. The documentary honors the real life heroes of WWII including the 100th Bomb Group that risked their lives and lost many in the effort to eradicate fierce foes that invaded the USA, Europe, parts of Africa and Asia. Just one hour long, it’s well worth the time to remind us about our patriots.

The stories narrated by Tom Hanks Include many real-life airmen featuring “Masters of the Air” John Egan, Gale Cleven, Harry Crosby, Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal, Frank Murphy, Alexander Jefferson, Richard Macon, as well as veterans John “Lucky” Luckadoo, Robert Wolf, and many others. From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day these dedicated hero’s never flinched when it came to facing the enemies head on.

Teaming with actual video footage of air fights, bombing strikes and heroic deeds, its one film you shouldn’t miss. The Bloody Hundredth has not been rated by the MPAA, but contains war violence and disturbing Images. It’s available for home viewing using the Apple TV+ streaming platform.

Additional Film Information:
Cast: Tom Hanks (Narrator), Steven Spielberg (Guest Speaker)
Directed by: Mark Herzog and Laurent Bouzereau
Genre: WWII Documentary
MPAA Rating: Not rated. Contains war violence and disturbing images
Running Time: 1 hour
Opening Date: March 15, 2024
Released in: Apple TV+

Writer, critic, film editor John Delia, Sr. has been on all sides of the movie business from publications to film making. He has worked as a film critic with ACED Magazine for more than 20 years and other publications for a total of 40 years. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Florida. John is a member of the Southeastern Film Critics Association and Critics Association of Central Florida Send John a message at jdelia@acedmagazine.com