The story behind The Colony takes place due to Climate Change, Pandemics, and War. When Earth became uninhabitable due to these factors, the ruling elite escaped to settle on Kepler 209. Two generations later, the Ulysses Project was started to find out whether it was possible they could return to Earth. The first mission back to Earth was lost shortly after landing. The following account is the mission of Ulysses 2.
The landing on Earth of Ulysses 2 was not a good one either, but better than the first one. With this scant crew only a couple of astronauts, Tucker (Sope Sirisu) and Louise Blake (Nora Arnezedder), survive making it through the atmosphere before crashing on Earth. However, the collision is very shattering injuring Tucker and knocking out their communications from Kepler. With no connection between Earth and Kepler, the two helpless astronauts now have to face a world helpless in a vast unyielding watery landscape.
Captured by wandering scavengers to be used for barter with the colony, it may be the end for Tucker and Blake. Director Tim Fehlbaum gives his film a dim view of existence on Earth with little hope for any future. He drapes the planet in an apocalyptic shroud and depicts a waterlogged realm of both lowlifes and a ruling class inhabitants who are existing in this post-apocalyptic world. But as Fehlbaum plays out his script, we find that the people have a purpose for this madness.
I like the sets, locations and the dark and dank filming of the planet that depicts the two factions surviving on the wasteland planet. The rusting old ships and tankers, used for housing of the colony, from the outside look like a last ditch effort for that faction of survivors. Meanwhile, the scavengers are in patched old watercraft using them to transport their captives to an uncertain life.
The acting by the Swiss and German cast is very good depicting both factions with entertaining realism. As the main character Blake, Nora Arnezedder gives a stunning performance as the astronaut finding herself in a hostile world with very little means for escape. Wounded, her Blake has to fight for her life and later be convincing of her mission on Earth and she nails the role.
The Colony has been rated R by the MPAA for some violence. The film is targeted for older teens to thirties who like their adventure mired in a decahying world. For this group I would give the film an above average B grade.
Additional Film Information:
Cast: Nora Arnezedder, Ian Glen, Sara-Sofie Boussnir, Sope Dirisu, Joel Basman and Sebastian Roche.
Directed and written by: Tim Fehlbaum
Genre: Sci-Fi, Drama
MPAA Rating: R for some violence
Running Time: 1 hr. 44 min.
Opening Date: August 27, 2021
Distributed by: Saban Films
Released in: Theaters and VOD