When you think of a horror film you expect a lot of mayhem, monsters and ghastly scenes, and in the movie Uncle Peckerhead you get all three. The film targets not only the fear fan, but this one works on another level, hard rock music. All in fun, the movie starts out with a slide BASED ON A TRUE STORY and then proceeds to bring out the ghoul and bloody mess that ensues. The film has been released in select theaters so check your local listings.
The punk-rock band DUH has had some tough times trying to get recognized and just like their name, it hasn’t been easy. Made up of Judy (Chet Siegel) vocals and bass, Mel (Ruby McCollister) on drums, and Max (Jeff Riddle) on vocals and guitar, the rockers are actually pretty good. No, they are actually very good and if it weren’t for no luck, they would be leading the pack of statewide bands.

On this one day however, Judy pushes the envelope and quits her job (well to be truthful she gets let go for unprecedented yucky scones at the local sweetshop). She then presses promoter Amir, who runs a local performance showcase “House of Independents”, to get a chance at the opening act for The Quilt Queens, a hot band. Amir agrees to listen to her tape and tells her to call him in a week.

Its perfect Judy thinks as she has booked the band in Podunk towns all week for a quick tour of the state. But, when she gets her Minivan repossessed, she’s about to call it quits. However, in a stroke of fate, she meets Uncle Peckerhead (David H. Littleton) in a parking lot who has a super van. A punk rock fan, he quickly offers his service and van to become a Roadie and drive the group to their tour stops.
So begins a trip from hell that DUH will never forget. Director and writer Matthew John Lawrence moves his film along at a fast clip with a lot of mayhem, gore and guts that is quite comical in a ghastly sort of way. His production is above average and the acting is very good. But, what makes the film tilt high on the horror meter, is the unexpected, a few good twists and excellent props and bloody prostheses.

Uncle Peckerhead has not been rated by the MPAA, but contains gore, violence, language, sex, and disturbing images. Think R rated with and exclamation mark! You don’t have to be a hard rock fan, but if you are, there is a lot of very good music in the film that will have you jumping and throwing yourself around in your seat.
FINAL ANALYSIS: a fun film for rockin’ horror fans. (4 out of 5 stars)
Additional Film Information:
Cast: Chet Siegel, Ruby McCollister, Jeff Riddle, David H. Littleton
Directed and written by: Matthew John Lawrence
Genre: Horror, Comedy
MPAA Rating: Not Rated, contains gore, violence, language, sex, disturbing images
Running Time: 1 HR. 36 MIN.
Opening Date: August 11, 2020
Distributed by: Epic Pictures
Released in: VOD, Digital and now in Select Theaters check your local listings