TONIGHT: Lenka Makes An Appearance on ‘The Tonight Show’


Performing “Everything At Once” from her recently released album Two, Brooklyn-based Australian singer Lenka will make an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight, Wednesday June 8 at 11:45pm EST on NBC. Watch a clip from the official video for the single after the jump …

“Everything At Once” is a quirky and quite catchy pop tune directed towards those of us who fancy ourselves too all-encompassing a round peg to fit into that pesky restrictive square hole. It weaves right into that ‘edgy pop crafted by smart song-writing and covered in buttermilk vocals’ theme. We like this, and her alot.

WATCH: “Everything At Once” video clip by Lenka


Lenka’s on tour, check out the dates and download Two while you’re at it.

"About as professional as a troupe of monkeys trying to play instruments." Writer. Editor. Music enthusiast. (kAY-rock)