‘Young Woman and the Sea’ Following your Dreams can Change the World

The film is based on the true events of “Gertrude Caroline Ederle” an American born German woman who competed in the 1924 Paris Olympics and swam the English Channel in 1926. Dealing with the indifferences between Men and Women during the early 1900’s Trudy is able to fight the barrier and determine that she and other women belong in sports. Also released just before the 2024 Olympics in Paris, this film is a perfect prelude to what many women from all over the planet are about to embark on and deliver to the world, what they do truly matters. 

Gertrude “Trudy” Ederle (Daisy Ridley), an American competition swimmer and Olympic champion who never got to realize what she was able to do for women’s rights. But the world can thank her today for her grit and determination demonstrating that she did have the ability to be equal to men, and definitely greater than most that tried to do the things she did throughout her life. She did prove that women can compete and did so time and time again

As a young child Trudy Ederle (Olive Abercrombie) was stricken with measles and is able to fight off this terrible disease that was almost impossible, considered a miracle at the time, that eventually damaged her hearing. This was a disadvantage that had both her mother and father concerned and prevented Trudy from really experiencing much as a child. After witnessing a disaster of a ferry where many women died because they could not swim, Trudy’s mother and her rock, Gertrude Anna Ederle (Jeanette Hain), decided that her children will never face the same fate and pushed to have them swim. 

Swimming was Trudy’s passion, and she strived to do whatever it took to have the opportunity to swim. To the point where she pushed her father and local German butcher, Henry Ederle (Kim Bodnia), to teach her to swim; even to swim around the pier at Coney Island to win a hot dog. When Trudy, along with her sister and closest friend, Margaret “Meg” Ederle (Tilda Cobham-Hervey / Lilly Aspel (as young Meg)), were given the opportunity to train with the Women’s Swimming Association (WSA) where they would be taught by Charlotte (Sian Clifford), Trudy still had to shovel coal to the boilers to convince her coach to let her swim.

While excelling so much and becoming a strong and committed athlete, Trudy continued to show that she was an extreme competitor that deserved a chance to showcase her skills to the world. When she caught the eye of James Sullivan (Glenn Fleshler), who was looking to sponsor women swimmers to the 1924 Paris Olympics, Trudy got the chance to finally explode on the world stage. Being assigned to train under the legendary Jabez Wolffe (Christopher Eccleston), her encounter was not quite as she expected. When her experience did not return the result the Americans expected, she was determined to convince Mr. Sullivan to fund her attempt to cross the English Channel. This is where she met Bill Burgess (Stephen Graham), one of the men that successfully swam from France to England.

Director Joachim Ronning presents a wonderful historic experience that involves a young woman who dazzles the world with her talent and her love for swimming. Ronning is able to recreate the amazing events that the protagonist encounters throughout her early life. Including what she must face as she attempts to try and be the first woman to cross the English Channel. Joachim also exhibits the many challenges Trudy suffered through to accomplish her life’s dreams. While also establishing the backdrop and wardrobe of the 1920’s that helped build the narrative. Ronning put together an excellent cast that performed wonderfully throughout the tale. 

This outstanding historical event launches the determination that Trudy offered to the world and along the way proved that women also have the right to stage their talents. This remarkable sports adventure will surely entertain and give you a little bit of history as well. It is now available and streaming on Disney+. 

Final Comment: I based my grade on the fun enjoyable historical affair and the marvelous performance from the cast. 

Stars 4 out of 5

Additional Film Information

Cast: Daisy Ridley, Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Kim Bodnia, Jeanette Hain, Stephen Graham, Sian Clifford, Glenn Fleshler, Olive Abercrombie, Lilly Aspell, and Christopher Eccleston.
Directed by:  Joachim Ronning
Genre: Biography, Drama, Romance, and Sport
MPAA Rating: Rated PG for thematic elements, some language and partial nudity’
Running Time: 2 hours and 9 minutes
Release Date:  July 19, 2024
Distributed By: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Release In: Streaming on Disney +